Are you an aisle or window seat lover? We’ve all got our own personal travel habits—but what about execs who spend time at 30,000 feet day in and day out? We’re partnering with Alaska Airlines to find out exactly what some of our fave female CEOs spend their time in the sky. Read on to get some hot travel tips from the best in the biz.
Michelle Kennedy, Peanut
Q: Aisle seat or window?
A: Aisle! I’m pregnant at the moment and always need bathroom access without clambering over people.
Q: Go-to plane drinks & snacks?
A: Water, gallons of it, and all of the snacks—chips, chocolate, all of the bad stuff I shouldn’t eat!
Q: What are some must-haves you bring on board to make traveling easier?
A: Noise-cancelling ear phones so you can block out the world and focus on work or reading, or sleep!
Q: Do you have any in-flight routines?
A: I try to drink as much water as possible. I am paranoid about avoiding that post flight headache, and I do apply loads of face cream (Rodial dragon’s blood is my favorite—I try to use the night cream as it’s thicker and more hydrating). I haven’t been brave enough to wear a face mask on a flight yet...
Q: How do you usually spend your time in the sky?
A: Catching up on emails at the bottom of my inbox, and then I love to watch a box set. As a busy mama, who ever gets the time to watch a series of 6 episodes in a row…?! Heaven.
Q: What’s the best work trip you’ve taken recently?
A: My last trip was to NY and it was just turning into spring. I love NY in the spring!
Q: What’s your best work travel tip?
A: When traveling long haul night flight, don’t eat on the flight. Board and sleep as soon as possible. You’ll find you sleep much better without eating, and you’ll be ready to land, have breakfast and start your day!
Indré Rockefeller, Paravel
Q: Aisle seat or window?
A: Window, I do my best daydreaming there.
Q: Go-to plane drinks & snacks?
A: Water, water, more water plus nuts and dark chocolate.
Q: What are some must-haves you bring on board to make traveling easier?
A: Noise-cancelling headphones, two pairs of socks (if it’s long-haul I’ll layer up compression socks under fuzzy socks), and my Paravel Weekender bag, which perfectly fits all my on-board essentials including my computer and kindle.
Q: Do you have any in-flight routines?
A: I always have a notebook and pencil handy because being in the air allows for a kind of mental liberty from the day to day demands of my inbox and iPhone. It’s surprising what kind of creative thinking you can do at 30,000 ft.
Q: How do you usually spend your time in the sky?
A: I would like to say reading and working (and it does always start that way) but, let’s be honest, the majority of the time ends up dedicated to a movie marathon.
Q: What’s the best work trip you’ve taken recently?
A: Last year I took the best trip of my life to Antarctica. It was nothing short of a life-altering trip and led to some exciting new initiatives at Paravel.
Q: What’s your best work travel tip?
A: When traveling for work, allow yourself to be a explorer even for just 30 mins a day. Give yourself a window to let your curiosity take the lead - try to walk where you’re going, ask a stranger for directions, or try a food you can’t pronounce. It’s amazing how much you can absorb in a new setting even if you’re in back to back meetings.
“I always have a notebook and pencil handy because being in the air allows for a kind of mental liberty from the day to day demands of my inbox and iPhone. It’s surprising what kind of creative thinking you can do at 30,000 ft. ”
Shannon McLay, The Financial Gym
Q: Aisle seat or window?
A: Aisle. I always hate the thought of inconveniencing someone to get up when I have to go to the bathroom.
Q: Go-to plane drinks & snacks?
A: In the morning, it’s always club soda and snack mix. In the evening, it’s vodka soda and snack mix.
Q: What are some must-haves you bring on board to make traveling easier?
A: I have to travel with my noise-canceling headphones, my Kindle and for long distance flights, I need my neck pillow as I try to catch up on sleep.
Q: Do you have any in-flight routines?
A: I am obsessed with efficiently boarding and getting in my seat as soon as possible. One of my biggest pet peeves are people who take too long to get settled in their seats because it just delays the boarding process unnecessarily. Once I’m seated, I do a final check of my cell phone and then put it in airplane mode and leave it there until we land. I view my time on the plane as a gift of time to be unplugged, even though most planes have wifi now and you can work from the plane, I use the time to remain unplugged.
Q: How do you usually spend your time in the sky?
A: If there is in-air entertainment, I make sure I watch all of the new release movies that I wouldn’t pay to see in the movie theater. If I’ve seen most of the movies (which happens when I have a number of work trips in a row), I utilize my time reading a book on my Kindle. I used to be afraid of flying and now I see the time I spend on the plane as almost a meditation where I can unplug from the chaos of everyday life.
Q: What’s the best work trip you’ve taken recently?
A: I recently traveled to Dallas, Atlanta, LA and San Francisco to meet with Financial Gym clients and friends living in those cities. Nothing motivates me and inspires me more as a founder than connecting with our clients, listening to their needs and celebrating their life journeys with them. As much as virtual calls connect us, nothing is better than a hug in real life.
Q: What’s your best work travel tip?
A: Pack light. I used to need to check a suitcase for all of the stuff I would bring for work-related trips. Now I’ve figured out how to get everything I need in a backpack. It saves time and costs when checking in and it also means I don’t have to fight for overhead space because I can always fit my bag under the seat in front of me.
“I used to be afraid of flying and now I see the time I spend on the plane as almost a meditation where I can unplug from the chaos of everyday life. ”
Bouchra Ezzahraoui, AUrate
Q: Aisle seat or window?
A: WINDOW! Especially for long flights…
Q: Go-to plane drinks & snacks?
A: WATER mostly, I try to keep myself hydrated and will usually have a full meal before any flight. If not, a protein bar and a banana will keep me full until I land.
Q: What are some must-haves you bring on board to make traveling easier?
A: A backpack is usually more practical than a handbag and carries pretty much everything I need on board (laptops, eye mask, anything beauty..). I always have a hand sanitizer, a face moisturizer and a face refreshing toner on me.
My new secret obsession is a tiny bottle of pure lavender essential oil that keeps me zen and makes the flight much.
Q: Do you have any in-flight routines?
A: I order extra water even when I’m not thirsty, moisturize my face (sometimes put a sheet mask), stretch frequently and step off my seat every hour or so.
Q: How do you usually spend your time in the sky?
A: I read a lot and get to do many things that require focus: spreadsheets and writing tend to be my go-tos in in the sky. I also catch up with movies when I need a break.
Q: What’s the best work trip you’ve taken recently?
A: I went to LA two weeks ago with Sophie, my co-founder, and Otto, our head of retail. Work trips are always a great way to bond with the team around meals/long car rides while you’re actually doing work. I must say LA’s sunshine made things much more agreeable and fun for the team.
Q: What’s your best work travel tip?
A: Make sure you know how to get to your destination when you land... You cannot find Ubers all the time and especially If traveling Solo & overseas, make sure you connect with a local before you get to your destination. The “lost in translation” journey starts as soon as you land at the airport.
What’s your travel style? Share in the comments below!
This post is sponsored by Alaska Airlines.
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