Eating greens makes green. Seriously. Your brain and body are fueled by the vitamins, and antioxidant-rich, superfoods you put in your body. And the more productive/creative/boss you are, the better your career.
Part of getting your life in order is making sure that you eat lunch. Every. Single. Day. People always talk about the benefits of eating breakfast, but that lunchtime slump is no joke. A healthy lunch will keep your energy up (yup!!) and concentration on point.
But you don’t have to pack a sad desk salad.
Get your lunch in order with a Mason Jar Salad. Don’t know how? Well we checked in with our healthy friends at organicgirl to get some tips on how to pack a super smart mason jar salad for lunch to help you eat well, be well and dominate your work week.
Order is the word of the day.
You keep your inbox in order. Same goes for your mason jar salad.
First things first, fill the bottom of your jar with a fresh, delicious salad dressing. This ensures that your salad doesn’t get soggy as you charge through morning meetings and conference calls. organicgirl has so many delicious options. Our favorites include: Kale Parmesan (which gives you the double dose of putting greens on your greens), Lemon Agave (which is the only the only fresh vinaigrette on the market made with an entire lemon and touch of blue agave nectar), or get a little funky with White Cheddar, because everyone loves a hearty treat sometimes (especially when that treat is only 60 calories per 2 tablespoons).
Next, add in a grain or a protein, like farro, which is high in fiber, protein, and is a good source of antioxidants. On this layer, you could also toss in ingredients that taste yummy after marinating. Think: apples, radishes, celery! The crunchy bits.
Next come your fixings: Nuts, dried fruits, and cheese nibbles. Anything you want to stay dry before you shake up your jar (and shake off your crazy morning).
The following ingredients will help boost that brain.
Blueberries. Toss blueberries into a Mason Jar Salad (you can add these last to keep them from getting smashed) for a high dose of antioxidants and phytochemicals.
Beets. They’ll give your salad a little sweet as well as improve blood flow to the brain with their naturally-occurring nitrates.
Walnuts. Almonds are often credited as the go-to desk snack, but overlooked walnuts (that also kind of look like mini brains) are full of omega-3s. Your brain needs this high-quality fat to function properly. So go nuts.
Finally, top it all with the leafy greens. organicgirl has so many options when it comes to rad leafy greens and when it comes to salads you know it’s all about that (leafy green) base.
Leafy greens contain many benefits that you might already know, but were you aware that kale, spinach, and the newest organicgirl salad, butter, plus! are rich in iron? Studies have shown that an iron-deficiency affects your learning, memory, and attention.
Give it an A+
Butter Plus is rich in iron for your memory and attention!
Or that leafy greens are good for gut health? Studies have shown that good gut health boosts your energy levels and improves your mood and mental health!
Kelly LeVeque, Health Coach, Holistic Nutritionist and founder of Be Well by Kelly, says “I have a personal goal to eat greens at every meal and recommend my clients do the same. Leafy greens are loaded with significant levels of vitamin A, C, K and B6, folate, magnesium and zinc, they are a superstar for gut health because they contain sulfoquinovose, a sugar that feeds healthy gut bacteria and fiber to promote detoxification and they are my secret weapon for glowing skin. I don't go a day without my Fab Four Smoothie, my formula includes a handful of greens in every morning smoothie – organicgirl’s SUPERGREENS are my favorite.”
Want an extra boost of protein? The sweet pea greens from organicgirl are also a great source of plant based protein - packing 5 grams of protein per package. Protein is great for keeping concentration, focus and energy levels up. Helping you say goodbye to that post lunch slump!
Personally, we’d opt for: I heart baby kale (to make sure you kale your afternoon pitch) or Super Spinach, which blends baby spinach, with bok choy and baby kale, to create a trifecta of the top nutritional greens to help you knock your day out of the park.
Here’s a recipe with organicgirl SUPERGREENS to help get you started – your career will thank you.
Image Source: organicgirl and @kirstensansom.