Photo: ColorJoy Stock
Several years ago, my fitness brand encountered some serious challenges, which all could seem rather unremarkable for those not deeply in the trenches and drama—Breaking News: Small Business Closes!—but over the past year, many people have asked for my advice on how I pivoted quickly, kept my chin up, and returned with confidence, celebrating what I can uniquely offer this world.
For the most part, I’d say I’m pretty resilient and I’ve bounced forward quickly. Maybe it’s because I’m not risk-averse and I don’t like to do anything small. I can assure you that it looks a lot more elegant than it was, and is. There are days I feel like a rockstar and some days that I question my worth. But one constant is I’ve learned that failing is not only inevitable in some capacity, but it also creates progress. I believe failure creates knowledge. Knowledge creates vision. Vision creates change. And change is what we need.
As you read my perspective it’s important to know where I’m coming from: As a life-long athlete and a huge believer in fate, I’m a shameless optimist. Forward, for me, is the only direction I go. The rotator cuff injury that forced me into retirement as a D-1 SEC cheerleader led me to rehab my shoulder through pilates, which led to creating my own fitness method, Cardio-Cheer-Sculpting. When a bad real estate transaction and a seven-year-long lawsuit (that ultimately ended my company) led me to believe that there was a better way to expand my fitness business online in 2015.
Due to the pandemic, many businesses were turned on their heads overnight, forcing many to learn the art of adaptation immediately, or else. It saddens me to watch so many small businesses scramble to go online so fast. My digital transformation didn’t come from a pandemic and wasn’t forced to happen in the blink of an eye. For years I wanted to find a way to bring my method to the masses without opening an army of brick-and-mortar studios, dealing with complex operations and the risk of even greater fixed costs. I wanted to use my energy, sweat, and unique talents in a different way.
There was a time in 2017 to 2018, after I lost my business and went bankrupt, that I thought my professional life was over. Every day I would wake up and recite my mantra: Laur, just keep going. Be in the moment, even if it’s an awful dumpster fire moment. Be flexible. Keep moving forward. I could have easily broken down but I chose not to. Okay, so I did once on the kitchen floor, but who’s counting?
Here are my top tips on how to pivot your career.
1. Identify Your Vision
What is your passion? What are you fighting for? Purpose crushes obstacles. You want a career that you can wake up to every day and be passionate about. A career that involves doing things that you would choose to do even if you weren’t being paid to do it. Be clear on what you want you’re trying to manifest. Don’t put mixed messages out into the universe, as it will only attract confusion into your life.
2. Be Optimistic
You have to literally be your own cheerleader. You cannot have a positive life with a negative mind, nor can you achieve your goals if you don’t believe in yourself. Believing in yourself and what you can achieve is imperative to move forward in life. Believe to achieve. When you combine the power of positivity with the power of visualization, you’ll set yourself up to win.
3. Connect With and Lean on Your Network
Surround yourself with the people in your life who help you realize your true potential, even when you may not see it yourself.
4. Keep Evolving
You have to be forward-focused. We live in a really fast-moving world. 2021 is like the flash, right? You can never assume that just because you did it one way that you can just rinse and repeat. You have to keep moving, changing, learning, and never ever be predictable.
5. Focus on Staying Healthy and Strong
Your mind and spirit are just as important as your body. Keep your spirit alive. People will try and break you down. Do not make yourself small for anyone and do not allow others to break your spirit.
6. Embrace Uncertainty
Lean into it and grow with it. You don’t have to have all the answers right now. Everything is temporary. My lowest days set me up for the most growth. They broke me down and ultimately really fired me up.
7. Get Excited
Shake the Etch A Sketch! Big things are happening, the sky is the limit, nothing is impossible, and there’s nothing like a clean slate.
“You want a career that you can wake up to every day and be passionate about. A career that involves doing things that you would choose to do even if you weren’t being paid to do it.”
—Lauren Boggi, Founder of Studio LB
About the author: Lauren Boggi is a fitness expert, celebrity trainer, innovator, founder of Studio LB, and the creator of Cardio-Cheer Sculpting, which combines cheer choreography and cheer conditioning. A 15-year industry vet, certified pilates instructor, and mom-of-one, Lauren has gained notoriety nationwide, appearing on shows like the Kris Jenner show, The Doctors, and in publications such as The New York Times, People, Vogue, Shape, Fitness Magazine, and Forbes. Seen as a thought-leader within the industry, Lauren’s energy, authenticity, and ability to drive user experience and foster human connections have helped her create a passionate and dedicated community worldwide.
Missed out on Gina Bianchini’s incredible session from our Offsite? No worries! We’re sharing her insights on building a thriving community that feels like a real network, not just an audience.