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Meet our Non-Profit Partner: Emily Greener of I Am That Girl

Name, @username, craft, elevator pitch: 

Emily Greener, Co-Founder/CEO of I AM THAT GIRL


We inspire girls to be exactly who they are, instead of who they think they are supposed to be. I AM THAT GIRL is a community that provides girls with a safe space to love who they are and have honest conversations about things that matter.

Panel: Moderating — How to use the Digital Space for good via commerce, blogging, content & more


What’s at the top of your to-do list today? 

To find a sponsor for the I AM THAT GIRL retreat!


What was your career catalyst? 

An honest conversation with Alexis Jones at a party in LA when we asked the question, "why we are all so mean to each other, and to ourselves? And what would be possible if we all said the things out loud that we are universally struggling with yet no one is talking about?" 


What do you think other non-profits (or individuals who want to make a difference) can learn from I Am That Girl’s approach? 

Lead with vulnerability. Be the first to show who you are, what you struggle with, why you think you’re awesome, and ask others to join you from a more honest place and as a collective all working towards a common goal. 


What have you learned from the I Am That Girl community? 

How to be vulnerable, which is the single greatest and most challenging thing in my life. 


What tools and/or apps are essential to your work & life? 

All of the usuals: Instagram, iCal, Google Drive, etc. Recently I started silencing my phone—not vibrate, silent—which has given me a piece of my life back. I now control when I look at my phone instead of my phone stealing my presence every time it dings or vibrates. Also podcasts and audiobooks rock my world!


Being at the head of such a powerful community and team, what have you learned about leading a team? 

As a small and mighty team, the right balance of autonomy, trust, and teamwork allows us to do so much more than most of our size. We care about who people are, not just what they do or deliver, and we practice what we preach. Also, people don’t work for me, they work with me. 


You’ve helped empower so many women and young girls. Is there a particular success story that comes to mind? 

I wouldn’t use the phrase “success story” because we are all a continuous work in progress and absolutely perfect wherever we are in that process, but a story that stands out is of a girl who went to her first local chapter meeting and, for the first time in her life, felt safe enough to share that she was depressed and had thought several times about taking her own life. The girls in the chapter loved on her and encouraged her to tell her mom. She did and then went to a rehab center where she and the girls in her chapter wrote to each other every week. It took one hour for this girl to realize she belongs somewhere, that she isn’t alone, that she matters, and that she had an entire community of girls who had her back.


What were you like in high school?

I’m one of the rare people who actually had a great experience of high school. I was outgoing, super involved in student council and drama, and had a ton of friends. One thing I’m not proud to admit is that I let what I thought other people would think keep me from dating a guy I really liked, maybe even loved.


What do you know now that you wish you'd know when starting your business?

Focus on one thing, do it better than anyone else, and then expand from there. 


Do you have a favorite a quote or personal mantra? 

"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." — Buddha


How can people get involved with I Am That Girl?

You can sponsor a girl at If you are a girl in high school or college you can start or join a local chapter at


Find out more about this amazing community—and Create + Cultivates charity partner!—at @iamthatgirl.

They're supporting the next generation of #girlbosses and we couldn't believe in them more. See, hear, and meet Emily in person at #createcultivateCHI on Aug 15th!