5 Essential Elements of a Strong Brand Identity


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Photo by Cup of Couple from Pexels

Photo by Cup of Couple from Pexels


When we think about someone’s identity, we think about the characteristics that are unique to that individual. A brand identity is no different. It’s the sum of all the attributes that shape a business into being.

The term ‘brand identity’ is often used interchangeably with ‘brand image,’ – the visual elements of a company such as logo, colors, branding and typography – and while both appeal to the senses, they are two distinct concepts that support a common purpose. Brand identity is inclusive of brand image as it governs the entirety of a brand’s expression to the world and how it is perceived, but before you understand the visuals you want to constitute that expression, you first need to know who you are as a brand.

Beyond brand image, brand identity reflects the company’s character, principles and values. It anchors the business with intention and creates the lens through which all decisions in the organization should be evaluated. Brand identity lives in the everyday interactions of the brand. Every aspect of an enterprise from the packaging and the marketing materials to employee relations and customer service – is a part of its brand identity.

A strong brand identity is necessary to scale a business. Operating from a place of authenticity establishes trust and credibility with customers, and helps cement the brand’s authority within the market. Ready to bring your brand to life? Begin building an effective and comprehensive brand identity by contemplating the following five qualities, through the lens of your own brand.

Brand Mission

What’s your “why?”

A strong brand identity is anchored in an enduring mission statement – a declaration of your brand’s purpose, explaining WHY you exist. One of the first things any new business should do is get clear on the company mission statement. It is the foundation of your business. Though your business strategies and tactics may change over time, your mission statement will not. It represents the underlying philosophy of your brand, tethered at its core. Have you noticed that every great tagline includes the what, the who and the mission that motivates the brand?

Brand Values

What beliefs drive your business?

Like a person, a company has a set of guiding principles. These are the values that you uphold and emulate through your business, and the heart and the soul behind your mission. Think about what’s important to you about the way you run your business. How do you want customers to feel when they work with you? What about your employees? These are the core values upon which you build your brand, and from which you will govern decisions across every facet of the business.

Brand Personality

If your brand was a person, what would they be like?

The personality of a brand relates directly to its target audience, and reflects the qualities and traits that they expect the brand to be. Is it convivial, or sophisticated? Young or refined? Sarcastic or scholarly? The defining characteristics of your brand’s personality will manifest in the everyday interactions, so it’s important that they remain constant over time in order for customers to connect with its authenticity.

An important attribute of a brand’s personality is its voice – the style in which your brand speaks to your audience. The voice you use to communicate says a lot about your brand and helps positioning through communication – should reflect your audience and the way you want your brand to be perceived. Your brand voice

Brand Positioning

How does your customer identify and distinguish your brand from the competition?

Your brand personality should be reflected in the brand positioning  —  which is how your brand is perceived against its competitors and in the mind of your customers. More specifically, it's the strategy used to set your business apart from the rest. 

Your brand’s positioning is influenced by its competitors, and what they have to offer. Tailor your strategy to highlight your product’s competitive advantage and share what makes your business unique in your messaging. What sets you apart from the competition? What do your clients love about collaborating with you or why do they love to purchase your products? 

Brand Promise

What promise do you make with your customer – and consistently deliver?

A brand promise tells your customer, either explicitly or implicitly, what they can expect from your product or service. It sets their expectations on the quality of your products or services. The more a company can deliver on their promise, the stronger the brand value in the mind of customers and employees.