Brand Collabs 101


8 Steps to Creating Profitable, Influential, and Viral Brand Collaborations


Brand collaborations are one of the most effective marketing strategies around. In fact, they’re up to 25x cheaper than digital advertising! Woah. Whether you’re big or small, brand collaborations need to be part of your growth strategy, and we’re here to show you how!

Author Bio

Jess Ruhfus is the founder of Collabosaurus—a marketing platform that match-makes brands for clever collaborations and partnerships. With a background in fashion publicity and marketing education, Ruhfus was frustrated sourcing cool brand partnerships in events, products and social media. So, she launched Collabosaurus in 2015, which has now attracted over 6000+ brands including Porsche, ASOS, Olay, Topshop and one of the largest global retailers in the U.S. Jess has also spoken for Apple, Vogue, and The College of Event Management, splitting her time between Sydney, New York, and Los Angeles as Collabosaurus continues to grow.


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