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5 Ways To Perfect Your Worry-Free Weekly “Reset” Routine

With Monday right around the corner, Sundays can make you feel like a mess. The pressures of
the coming week and the stress of the past are a perfect recipe for anxiety, dread, and overwhelm. Not to mention, the grief! I love weekends so I’m always a little sad come Sunday night. So when I find myself in this headspace, I seek refuge in my “reset routine.”

Setting time aside to replenish my energy and practice self-care helps me transition back into the week with ease. Protecting my energy is something I’ve struggled with in the past, and if that sounds like you here's what I did to achieve a worry-free weekly "reset" routine. The practices I share have helped me prioritize my well-being and joy, and are designed to help you pause and prepare. If that hasn’t been your experience with routines, don't worry. Here are 5 ways to create a realistic and resourcing “reset” routine to start the week right.

1. Cleanse your body

When we move from the brain we tend to forget the body. Physically cleansing is a way to reset the body and refresh your energy for the start of the week. Think of how you can bring extra intention to your cleansing routine. I like to take this time to style my hair the way I like or add a face massage to my skincare regimen.

Another way to “cleanse” your body is through hydration. I track my water intake with my gallon water bottle and complement that with some teas that bring me joy. Hot or cold teas are known to boost your immune system and fight off inflammation, so lately I’ve been enjoying a cup of warm tea with a squeeze of lemon, a spoonful of honey, ginger, and some goji berries.

2. Reset the mind

Between running a YouTube channel, podcast, and an online stationery shop, I'm no stranger to stress and overwhelm. When I struggle with insomnia or lack of motivation, I know it’s my body’s signal to take a step back and slow down. I’ve tried many mindfulness practices, but what works best for me is meditation. Anxiety starts in the mind, so learning to listen and observe my thoughts, as opposed to letting them take over control, has brought me a lot of relief. Meditation helps clear your mind, reset your mental slate and focus on your intentions. Try it for 15 minutes a week and see if it helps you too.

While meditation brings a gentle awareness to racing thoughts, affirmations introduce calming and empowering thoughts to the brain. Repeating statements like “I love myself. I trust myself. I am safe” bring me calm and support. Try a guided meditations when you are ready.

3. Plan the week ahead

Narrowing your focus is key to combating overwhelm and getting more done. Take a look at your upcoming week and take note of the events planned. Start by setting goals for the week and don’t forget to set some self-care ones as well. I like to make a list of three things for each category. This method keeps things achievable and helps me practice prioritizing. The Weekly Reset Planner uses the “list of three” template, which makes planning my week that much easier.

Next, I find reflecting on the past week helps me feel better prepared for the week to come. I take this time to practice gratitude and celebrate growth more regularly. No matter how small the achievement, it deserves to be celebrated. Reminding your nervous system of what you have survived helps relieve anxiety about the future. With time, this kind of practice can rewire your brain towards confidence and positivity instead of fear and self-criticism.

4. Clean your space

Tidying up is not everyone’s cup of tea and I get that. For some, it can feel like an impossible task. If this is the case for you, I have a 10-minute hack. Set a 10-minute timer and do some chores like folding laundry, doing the dishes, or sweeping. You can stop once your timer is up but you might find that once you get started you want to continue cleaning for longer.

This trick helps me combat procrastination and feel a sense of accomplishment. Your brain actually releases dopamine when you achieve goals, no matter how small they are! Also, a clean space promotes a clear mind. Not to mention that a small weekly dose of cleaning will give you less work later, and help you practice a healthy habit that will get easier over time.

5. Relax your body

In a culture that rewards “doing,” slowing down to honor “being” is a challenging task. Being with yourself, feeling into your body, and listening to your senses is vital to your wellbeing. Movement and breathing exercises are a great way to tend to your body and release trapped emotions. Tune inward and ask yourself “what areas hold the most tension in my body?” Stretching, breathing, and tapping are some of my go-to methods to release tension.

Other movement exercises to try are Belly Button Healing, which is a practice that stimulates digestive organs, promotes blood flow, and releases trapped emotions, and yoga is also a great way to slow down and heal your body’s aches and pains. I try to practice movement as much as possible to stay connected and fluid with my body. Above all, remember that the intention is decompression. Listen to the wisdom of your body and let yourself look silly.

About the author: Aileen Xu is a content creator and entrepreneur at Lavendaire, inspiring people around the world to embrace their true potential and create their dream life. Her YouTube channel Lavendaire has over 1.6 million subscribers. Her podcast, The Lavendaire Lifestyle, has over 7 million downloads. Aileen is the creator of the top-selling Artist of Life Workbook, a guided journal to creating your most successful year, which has sold over 25,000 physical copies. Her brand offers an array of stationery products and an online course at The Lavendaire Shop.