In 2011 Jordana Abraham, Aleen Kuperman, and Samantha Fishbein started a "college humor" blog called Betches Love This. Just a few years and a name change later, Betches, is now the satire site for women who have a sense of humor. With articles like, "10 Healthy-ish Food Instas To Keep You On Your Resolution To Lose 3 Pounds" they are on to something good. Or maybe they're already there. If we are to believe a 2013 NY Times article, the .com has its founders laughing all the way to the bank.
We caught up with Aleen and Jordana ahead of their appearance at Create Cultivate Dallas. And because we don't like mad-dogging other women, we Mad Libbed them. 5th grade style.
Make sure to catch Aleen and Jordana on What's your angle? Finding an fresh approach to a crowded marketplace at Create & Cultivate Dallas January 30th!