“You Can Always Sprinkle in a Little Bit of Beyoncé” and Other Kick-Ass Quotes From Our Los Angeles Self Care Summit

We self cared our little hearts out this weekend at the very first Self Care Summit in Los Angeles. To those who came, thank you for joining us and to those who couldn’t make it, don’t fret. We’ve compiled the most important takeaways from our awe-inspiring day of panels, classes, pop-ups, and more.

Knowing we had a jam-packed day ahead of us, Purely Elizabeth served energizing breakfast bites to keep everyone at 100 because when we weren’t taking notes from the empowering panels we were learning a new self-care skill with intimate classes in the Zen Den. Thank goodness SEV Laser were offering B12 shots for that extra “pick-me-up” and Lemonade came through with their mouth-watering sandwiches. Throughout the day, we had matcha, espresso, and coffee on deck at the Bluestone Lane pop-up too. Breaks were made easy with our favorite acai bowls from Pitaya Plus and the cutest donuts from Donut Friend

Those looking for further respite, headed into the Ritual Room on the 4th floor which was literally bursting at the seams with people having crystal readings by Style Ritual and aura photographs by The Aura Photobooth. After a stellar day of key learnings and rejuvenation, we wrapped up with a sweet-tooth happy hour—we couldn’t imagine a better way to celebrate self-care than with scoops of McConnell’s Ice Cream and Milk Bar sweet treats.

Now, let’s go through some of the sage soundbites shared throughout the day—we guarantee you’ll want to share these quotable moments on Instagram! 

PANEL: IS IT WORTH IT, CAN YOU WORK IT—Working it out and staying healthy in an "always-on" culture


Kelly LeVeque | Holistic Nutritionist, NSCA-PT

Koya Webb | International Holistic Health Coach and Author of Let Your Fears Make You Fierce

Sinikiwe Dhliwayo | Founder of NAAYA Wellness 

Remi Ishizuka | Health and Wellness Content Creator 

Radhi Devlukia-Shetty | Plant Based Recipe Developer, Fitness and Well-Being Enthusiast 

Merle O’Neale | Video Producer, Tasty and Goodful 

Jen Beechen | Vice President of Marketing, Vital Proteins 


Kimberly Brooks | Anchor and Correspondent, ABC News

Remi Ishizuka

On what self-care means...

“Self-care to me is about adding to your life.”

On what her self-care practice looks like...

“I know that if I don't get my workout in at the beginning of the day, I won't do it.”

“I won't touch my phone until I have my matcha, that’s a rule I have.”

Sinikiwe Dhliwayo

On what self-care means...

“Self-care is actually doing the hard thing and things I don't want to do like pay bills.” 

“Setting boundaries—to not take other people’s stuff on.”

On what her self-care practice looks like...

“At the end of the day, to practice meditation all you need is breath… it doesn't require anything fancy. You can be in your room with a mat and quiet space.” 

“If you're running yourself ragged, asking others ‘how can I help you?’ then you aren't pouring into your own cup.”

Kelly LeVeque

On what wellness means...

“Wellness is creating those sustainable habits,making our life exactly what we want it to be.”

On how to prioritize wellness when it’s not your job..

“It's really about where you are in your career and in your life.”

On how to embrace collaboration over competition...

“The love and support you get from being vulnerable… it makes the competition fade away.”

On her number one self-care tip...

“Start your day with a blood sugar balancing meal.”

Koya Webb

On the power of embracing fear...

“I think it’s very important to realize fear is a natural thing.” 

“Fear is our friend—it’s there to show us that we need more love in our life.”

“Face everything and rise.”

“How can we breathe love into every situation?” 

On reprioritizing self-care...

“We forget that the most important person to nurture is ourselves.”

“If we nurture ourselves first and foremost, we will have the most energy to nurture others.”

“Love yourself, love others, then love the world—in that order.” 

On the power of community...

“We aren’t meant to live this life alone.” 

Radhi Devlukia-Shetty

On how to prioritize wellness when it’s not your job..

“I think it’s all about prioritizing what you want to do in the morning. Doing the things that are most important to you in the morning so you get it out of the way.”

On living with more intention...

“The energy we give is the energy we receive.”

“Take time to stop and be present both internally and externally.” 

“Whether it’s eating or cooking—it’s trying to put some intention into that.”

On how to cultivate self love….

“I think self-love always starts with realizing who you are.” 

“You have to strike a balance between mind, body and soul.” 

“Scrolling through [Instagram] is so mindless. If you can lock out an hour, it can be so helpful. So, when you’re doing other stuff, you aren’t scattered when you’re scrolling through.”

Merle O’Neale 

On the power of vulnerability...

“I’m a human being, I make mistakes but I’m doing my best.”

“Doing the best you can but being honest when you aren’t.” 

On her top self-care tip...

“If you have a list, just start with the first thing and be happy with that.” 

Jen Beechen 

On the scheduling in time for self-care...

“The whole weekend can go by without a chance to recharge if you don’t make time for it.” 

On being flexible with self-care...

“You don’t have to get eight hours every night, but you need a certain number of hours a week.” 

On her top self-care tip...

“Get outside and look at things that aren't on a screen. It's amazingly restful for your eyes.”

PANEL: RISE AND SHINE—The people setting the new standards for beauty & wellness brands


Shiva Rose | Founder of the Local Rose and Alchemist Creator of Shiva Rose Beauty

Savannah Hobbs | Head of Communications, Purple

Vanessa Lee | Founder, The Things We Do

Jessica Chan | Director of Business Development and Strategic Planning, IDEWCARE

Michelle Aufmann | Regional Education and Sales West, Biossance


Sacha Strebe, Editorial Director, Create & Cultivate

Jessica Chan

On progress over perfection...

“It’s not about being perfect it's about iterating.” 

On the power of being a consumer-centric brand...

“Our focus is making sure our consumer is at the center of everything we do.” 

“We should be doing what’s right for our consumers and what's right for the world.”

Shiva Rose

On why clean skin care is so important...

“When you put things on your skin, there’s no filter—it goes straight to your bloodstream.”

On the collective shift to a more conscious consumer...

“I think that’s what’s happening in the world, we are waking up.” 

On how to grow a business...

“If you believe in it and it’s doing good for the planet… don’t give up.” 

Savannah Hobbs

On the power of having a diverse voice..

“It’s allowed us to enter a crowded space and stand out.”

On having the data to back your ideas up...

“We’ve taken 30 years of research and development and put it into this product.” 

On the power of being a consumer-centric brand...

“Listen to your customers. Make sure they are at the center of what you do.”

Michelle Aufmann

On how clean skin care is moving away from being just a trend...

“Really, for us, as a brand, it’s  a lifestyle. It’s no longer a trend.”

“The sustainability of our brand is really important to us.”

On collaboration over competition...

“We support other brands like us. We invite every single option, brand, and consumer.” 

On how to always be growing as a person and a brand...

“Educate me on something I don’t know.”

“Educate yourself and tap into other avenues.” 

“The people we hire for our company have to believe in what we’re doing.” 

“If we don't have the answer for you, we are going to find out the answer for you.” 

“We keep our pricing very low. Skincare should really be accessible to you.” 

Vanessa Lee 

On the power of not having a ‘selling technique’...

“I don't have a selling technique. There’s no selling quota to meet for the day.

On starting a business...

“Get ready for the ride of your life. If anything comes up, I triple dog dare you to go against it.” 

“If you need it, chances are 100 other women need it to.”

“Set yourself apart and do something different in this next year of marketing.”

ZEN DEN PANEL: Cannabis Culture—A blunt conversation about the billion-dollar industry and why women are paving the way


Kate Miller | Co-Founder and CEO, Miss Grass 

Jacob Douglas | National Trainer, Josie Maran Cosmetics 


Varuni Palacios | Head of Growth, Miss Grass

Kate Miller

On Miss Grass...

“Everything we do is education-led.” 

“Consumers need to be educated so they know how to read a label.” 

On brand accountability...

“The beauty industry was the first one to embrace cannabis. With that being said—the brands attaching to cannabis need to be responsible.” 

“Know who is behind the brands you are supporting.” 

On the realities of cannabis...

“Showing representation is shifting the narrative away from the guy on his couch eating potato chips.”

Jacob Douglas

What should people know about cannabis...

“Read the labels. Educate yourself on the terminology. Know what you’re looking for.”

On ingredients...

“Hemp seed oil is high in protein and great for the skin.” 

“Full spectrum CBD interacts with your endocannabinoid system.” 

On incorporating CBD to your beauty routine...

“I would love to see more intention and specialization in the beauty industry. 

On self-care...

“Take a second to check in with yourself and have kind words with yourself.” 

PANEL: WOKE UP LIKE THIS—A conversation on self-love and curating confidence.


Tess Holliday | Body positive activist, model, mother, author, and entrepreneur

Fiiyinfoluwa Akinniranye | Blogger and Founder of Atarah Avenue 

Cassy Joy Garcia | Founder of Fed & Fit, and Beautycounter Consultant

Christina Stejskal | Head of Global Comm., PR and Social Media Strategies, Fender

Daniel Martin | Celebrity Makeup Artist and Mediheal Brand Ambassador


Dr. Deepika Chopra | Optimism Doctor, Visual Imagery Expert, and Happiness Researcher

Tess Holiday

On learning to love herself...

“I can take up as much space I want—I shouldn’t be ashamed.”

“I'm kind of a mess, but proudly.”

On prioritizing yourself... 

“My most meaningful connections happen when I can take a step back and focus on myself and make sure that I’m doing what I need to do.” 

On the power of social media...

“There are so many other people who are deserving of opportunities and that’s where social media comes in.”

“Representation is so important and that’s what changes lives.”

“I think social media can be a really powerful tool. People can create this space and show the representation that wasn't there before.”

“I think it's important to remember that Instagram isn’t real life.” 

“People think that they know you based on social media. They might know bits of you. 

We don’t have it figured out. We’re just doing our best.” 

On representation....

“You can chase your dreams and do whatever you want to do and you're not limited just because you haven't seen anyone else doing what you want to do.”

“And that’s what saves lives—feeling less alone.” 

Fiiyinfoluwa Akinniranye

On self-care...

“I think self-love is so important and so timely.” 

“If I’m going to compare myself, I’m never going to be happy.” 

“Mental health is at such a forefront right now and I don’t want to miss that.” 

On being influential...

“I have a job title of being an influencer and I don’t take that lightly.” 

“It is my duty to make sure I am spreading positivity.” 

Cassy Joy Garcia

On balancing work and motherhood... 

“I don’t owe anyone an explanation on how I’m balancing it.” 

“Give yourself permission to break the mold.” 

On being transparent on social media...

“When it comes to social media, it’s about being brave.”

“I want to show a peep behind the curtain.” 

“Put it out there, you might really find your people.”

Christina Stejskal

On what self-love looks like...

“I had this idea that self-love was this grandiose thing but these small things that make you happy are self-love. I like to do a face mask and take a bath every Sunday.”

On knowing who you are as a business...

“Know what your authenticity is and what is your goal. Always know. Stay authentic. Know you have a responsibility, people are watching you.”

On best advice...

“Take risks and don’t be afraid.”

Daniel Martin 

On self-care...

“I'm in the space of taking care of others. If I’m not well, my clients will feel that.”

“Be authentic to yourself. Be happy. That little moment changes everything.”

On social media...

“For me, my Instagram is just sharing my journey, the products I use the places I go.” 

“What you see and what you see in person is so different, so in the end it’s about artistry.”

KEYNOTE #1: Giada De Laurentiis | Chef, Author and Founder of Giadzy


Jaclyn Johnson, Founder and CEO, Create & Cultivate

On her love for cooking...

“I want to be doing things and tasting things that I love.”

On being a working mother…

“I thought when I got pregnant, that it would end my career.”

“Having my daughter helped me overcome a lot of my fears. It also taught me to cook faster.” 

“It made it better for my career to have my daughter. It [also] made me aware of how important my culture was.”

“You need to learn to ask for help, you can’t do it alone.” 

“How do you take care of yourself and take care of your child and still have a career? It doesn't have to be one or the other.”
On facing stereotypes…

“How could anyone trust a skinny cook?”

Greatest professional achievement…

“My restaurants in Vegas.”

Best business lesson...

“You gotta spend money to make money.”

On the next 10 years….

“I see a much healthier generation coming our way and I hope I have a hand in helping that.”

On being heard in a male-dominated industry…

“The biggest obstacle I would say is people taking me seriously. I was in a field that was very heavily male-dominated. I didn't look the part.” 

“I think it’s difficult—I'll say that. It's best that we just show them. Actions are always louder than words. You show them every day and you don't get emotional. Men do not work well with emotional women. Be consistent with your work and that’s when they know, and start to take you seriously.”

“The more that you tell me no, the more I’m going to prove you wrong and I’m going to work harder.”

Having multiple jobs at once...

“Build a good team to execute your vision. You can't be in all those places at the same time. At some point you have to trust your gut that you have hired the right people. You’re going to need them for support as well. Take breaks and build a strong team around you. Your gut will lead you the right way.”

“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, and think about the baskets you put them in.”

On self-care...

“I think that the number one thing we should be doing is eating right because it takes care of everything else.” 

PANEL: BIG MOOD—Talking mental health stigmas, cultivating happiness & Dealing with #lyfe


Erica Chidhi Cohen | Co-Founder and CEO, LOOM

Lalah Delia | Spiritual Writer, Wellness Educator, Founder of Vibrate Higher Daily

Lestraundra LesAlfred | Host, Balanced Black Girl Podcast 

Katie D'Amato, Director of Brand & Social Activation, Alaska Airlines


Rina Raphael  | Health and Wellness Reporter, Fast Company

Erica Chidhi Cohen

On self-care...

“Turning down the noise enough to know what my feelings are.”

“Sometimes you can't feel stressed when you’re going 100 miles an hour.” 

“It’s interesting how medicating T.V. is.”  

Changing mental health stigmas...

“I think that everyone is going through something at some point. There is so much power in that sharing.”

“There’s been a media problem previously where mental health issues equal incapacitacion.” 

“Society doesn’t come and get you when you’re doing really well.” 

On being in touch with how you feel...

“Happiness is more of a relay race. There are different things that are going to feel like happiness en route.” 

“Being able to change up what happiness is, is really important.” 

“Imagine that you don't know what happiness is and push yourself to recultivate that.” 

“For most people, life itself is inherently painful. Pain is something we’re a little more in touch with.” 

Lalah Delia

On vibrating higher daily...

“It's about you, reaching your full potential in any moment.”

“To help you reach the higher potential in all those aspects of life.”

“It’s about journey in grace.”

“When we remember who we are, the game changes.”

On being yourself...

“It's good to be relatable in the world.”

“You can be flawed and beautiful.”

On why writing is important...

“Until you show up with your light, they are going to be in the dark.”

“If you have something to write and something to say, trust that. Trust what’s in you.”

Lestraundra LesAlfred

On happiness…

“Happiness is not a mask or a look.” 

“I think a lot of us get focused on wanting others to know we’re happy.” 

“What’s more important than finding happiness? Slowing down and enjoying it.”

“Happiness is a lot more abundant than we realize.”

On self-care rituals…

“Real intentional alone time.” 

Katie D'Amato

On happiness…

“I find that when I’m just in the moment with my friends or myself, there’s this sense of calm and contentment.” 

On saying no… 

“It’s hard to just say ‘no’ but what I have found is that people actually respect it more.”

“As women we are asked to do a lot of things and we want to be pleasers.” 

“I'm really trying to say ‘no’ a lot more, both in my personal and professional life.”

“Say ‘no’, try it. It feels good.”

On positivity at work...

“Be kindhearted, be remarkable, do the right thing.” 

“Our goal is to bring a little bit of joy wherever you are right now.” 

“Turn that smile up if you can.” 

“You can always sprinkle in a little bit of Beyoncé.”

PANEL: FAMILY MATTERS—How to deal with multitasking and making moves while being a mom


Lauren Gores | Co-Founder of Summer Fridays and Lifestyle Content Creator

Whitney Port | Influencer and Brand Director

Vanessa Simmons | Actress, Fashion Designer, and Entrepreneur 

Daphne Oz | Emmy Award-winning television host, author, chef, and Aveeno Hair Brand Ambassador


Ali Fedotowsky | T.V. Personality and Lifestyle Blogger 

Whitney Port

On motherhood and working...

“We need to start taking the pressure off of ourselves to find that balance.”

“Those two things aren't mutually exclusive.”

“Sometimes you get things done without knowing how you got them done.”

On self-care...

“It’s important to take those little moments to take care of yourself and then show up in a bigger way for others.” 

Daphne Oz

On happiness...

“Happiness is how closely expectations align with reality.”

“Make less time in your life for the weeds and more time for the flowers.” 

On motherhood...

“We are doing a better job at allowing women to know those struggles are normal.” 

“Your relationship with yourself is changing because you now have someone dependent on you.”

“We put so much pressure on ourselves to do everything.” 

Lauren Gores

On motherhood and its realities...

“I think before (motherhood), I thought I would be able to do it all and really perfectly.” 

“Forgiving myself that it might take some time to figure it out.”  

“You have to become comfortable with imperfection.” 

On being a working mom...

“I’m so proud to be a mom and to be working.”

“You can do both but you should be very forgiving of your journey.”

“I don’t think I feel guilty I just think we all wish we had more hours in the day.” 

“I’m not failing at both—I’m imperfectly showing up.” 

Vanessa Simmons

On motherhood mid-career...

“I felt like I haven’t accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish yet.”

“Motherhood is not a deadline.”

On embracing help as a mother...

“You have to create a group of women around you.” 

“You have to accept the help and let go of the control you are trying to hold on to.”

“Team work makes the dream work.” 

PANEL: SELF CARE SUCCESS STORIES—Meet the women building businesses for the modern woman


Katherine Power | Founder and CEO of Who What Wear & Versed

Jill Layfield | Co-Founder and CEO of Tamara Mellon

Suzanne Hall | Co-Founder and editor-in-chief, The Chalkboard Mag

Iva Pawling | Co-Founder and CEO, Richer Poorer


Sacha Strebe, Editorial Director, Create & Cultivate 

Katherine Power

On making fashion accessible…

“Our mission was to make fashion accessible, to make sure you can get it into your hands.”

On scaling successfully…

“I had to become really good at delegating really early on.”

“You have to let go at a certain point.”
On connecting with the consumer…

“She informs everything we do now.” 

On self-care...

“For me sleep is really important, and working out.” 

“I workout more for my mind than my body.” 

Jill Layfield

On what the consumer wants…

“Today, what the consumer wants is shared values with brands.”

On the evolution of e-commerce…

“We think the next big wave of commerce, is broadly being called right now ‘conversational commerce’.” 

“Moving towards conversational design rather than web design.” 

Best advice: 

“Be fearless, you have to go for it.” 

Suzanne Hall 

On the evolution of wellness..

“It’s veered towards self-care and mental health.” 

“Seeing wellness woven into so many industries is exciting.” 

On the future of The Chalkboard Mag...

“Turning our very education-focused content into different mediums.”

“We’re looking for ways to show up with our interesting group of women before the page.”

 On success…

“Everyone as an act of self-care should redefine what success means to them.”

“I think it’s wonderful to make it very personal. There is so much room for redefinition.”

Iva Pawling

On the importance of comfort...

“When you feel good you look good.” 

“We don't need to show sweatpants on a couch, we know how to do that. We need to show how to bring that same value of comfort into work.”

On buying back her company…

“It was chaos and when we realized we were going to buy our brand back I was 37-weeks pregnant and was at a very scary place. But because I had something in my rearview that I needed to take care of I had to show up and just do it.”

On imposter syndrome...

“There are much less equipped people who have done a lot more.”

“You may have no idea how to do it but knowing you can and trusting yourself.”

KEYNOTE #2: Erin Foster | Head of Creative, Bumble and Advisor to The Mirror 


Charles Porch |  Head of Global Partnerships, Instagram
Erin Foster

On privilege…

“I come from a privileged background and I wanted to prove that I wasn’t always going to have a door opened for me. It’s hard to prove that you deserve to be there.”

“I don’t think you’re giving your children any leg up when you do everything for them.”

“Privilege and resources certainly give you a leg up because you are around people who are successful and who set an example. But I know a lot of privileged people who are doing nothing with their life. You really have to get there on your own.”

On being Bumble’s head of creative...

“We help with anything that connects people into the real world.”

“They’re trying to get people off of the apps and into the real world.” 

“Dating apps are starting to feel like a game so we’re trying to actually connect you to people.”

On confidence and being yourself...

“I think a lot of us have two voices in our heads. The voice that says ‘you’re the worst’ and then the quieter voice that’s saying ‘you’re actually kinda dope’.”

“Embracing all the things that made me feel shame was what connected me with other women,because they feel that shame too.”

“Everyone has something that they secretly want to do and I think you really need to do everything in your power to do what you want to do.”

On potential…

“You have to believe in yourself and believe in your ability to prove yourself wrong.”

“When you don’t live up to your potential, when you don’t do what you know you can do, you will end up feeling bad about yourself.”

“You have to pay attention to the thing that keeps you up at night and try to do it.” 
On her life lesson…

“Accept who you are and just lean into it.”